new studio - moving in

So I've had the keys to my new studio for around two weeks now, but because I was a little busy early on I've only been in four times so far.

There'll be more on what I was busy with in a week or two.

The first time I was in the studio I took a couple of photos just to show the empty space, which I'm sharing with a couple of others who don't seem to have moved in yet.

Except they don't really show the space as much as they do the windows. My excuse is it was a nice day, I'd finished work early to collect the keys, and my mind was more on going for a walk, which is what I did straight after.

There's a short piece of film, but it's just a couple of seconds of the same view as the first photo, because I forgot to switch from video to photo mode.

The second time I was in the studio I took a bunch of materials in and started to organise myself some space. I also started to put paint on paper. Really more to start doing something, and be in the space than because I had any immediate ideas.

Or rather, I did have immediate ideas, but they were for something much larger which required me to buy some bits. That's for the next post though.

Apparently this time I failed to get any photos documenting my beginning to occupy the space. Although I did take a picture of the paint I'd put on paper.

While I forgot the photos, I did take a couple of bits of film in the studio. The first one showing the desk I'm using at the moment, and the painting above.

The second bit of film shows more of the studio and the floor it's on. Which I'm linking from YouTube, since the blogger uploader doesn't like it.

The third time was a few days ago, when I did a little more painting, and also started work on another of my recent boxes.

These are paper and card boxes pinned with cocktail sticks or bamboo skewers. At the moment they're quite small, but I plan to scale them up, and get more ambitious with the shapes.

The first two photos are some additional paint I added to my first thing, and something new. To be honest neither of these seems like it's going anywhere, so they'll likely get forgotten. Third is another shot out of the window.

Then from the same visit there are a series of photos of making the new box. Which is a pyramid.

First the sketch, which I proceeded to ignore:

Then the box:

Which having assembled I unfolded and began to paint. The pyramid will be red inside and out, with blue tips to the cocktail sticks, once it's complete. On this visit I only painted the outside.

Today's was the fourth visit. Being a bank holiday I took the opportunity to get up late, have a lazy morning, then walk into town.

Once there I visited a pound shop to buy materials... But that's for another post.


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